The Will of William Price 1721 300th Anniversary Luncheon

Celebrated on Saturday 21st and Sunday, 22nd May 2022

Our intended Guest Speakers
Nader Fekri and Dr. Alan E. Smith CBE FRS had booked to travel to attend
from Buenos Aires and Boston, US
respectively and both were unfortunately prohibited from travelling because of covid.
Here are their speeches and Bishop Martin Seeley's Sermon:

Our inimitable President, Patrick Nobes reviews the WP300 event

There was a sound of revelry by night" as three score and ten or even more Old Priceans, recent or remote in time, gathered for a convivial glass on Saturday 21st May 2022, precursor to the main event on Sunday at the Solent Hotel.

For some of these, Sunday's dawn was too brightly rosy-fingered as it gave kept-promise of a hot and sunny day; nevertheless some of them were numbered among another seventy or so who gathered round the newly-cleaned Founder's tomb, and saw the Mayor lay the wreath after the prayers. The great WP300 anniversary proceedings had begun.

The service that followed in the parish church of St Peter and St Paul was extremely well-attended, moving, and much appreciated. Lord Bishop Martin Seeley gave a fine address; Bishop Peter Hancock the final blessing. The retiring collection was donated to Naomi House.

Most retired to the Solent Hotel after the service to join the many others already there.

Over one hundred guests and OPs sat down to lunch. Before they were served "All were silent and turned intently towards the lofty lectern" from which the Honourable President welcomed them all.

Bishop Peter said Grace, lunch was served and much enjoyed. The Loyal Toast was proposed by Vice President Charles Evans; the toast to William Price by Victor Hughes, the oldest OP present. Vice President Derek Marlow gave an impressive account of the William Price Trust, of which he is is Chairman.

The four nonagenarians present were brought together, and champagne was presented, and some noisiness ensued.

Chairman Phillip Reynolds brought the proceedings to an apt conclusion by thanking all concerned for their various contributions, especially V.P. Derek for his organization of the lunch, and David Goldring for his massive achievement with "Lion Pride".

Click, click, click, times five hundred times went Matt's camera throughout the day, and finally from the roof-top. The results will be available soon.

Thanks and congratulations for the WP300 week-end have poured in.

All 533 professionally produced photos of the event
may be viewed and downloaded here...